At the latest within one month from the date of the birth of the child, the child must be given a name, which means registering the birth at a Vital Statistics Department (preferably according to the Population Register).
There are two ways to register the birth of a child.
1. An application for registration of the birth can be submitted in the e-population register. The service also allows unmarried parents to file birth registration applications.
2. An application to register the birth may be submitted to any local government.
– The identity documents of both parents;
– The marriage certificate;
– The second parent’s application for the child’s name (in cases where only one parent is present for the registration of the birth).
NB! If the parents are cohabiting, both must be present with their identity documents.
One-time childbirth allowance from Tallinn
The one-time childbirth allowance amounts to €320 (€160 after the birth + €160 when the child is one year old.)
The application request can be submitted to the Tallinn Vital Statistics Department at the time of the registration of the birth or via webpage
– The parent’s identity document;
– The bank account number.
A parent of the child can submit an application for the childbirth allowance within six months of the birth of the child. The allowance will be paid in two parts (50% of the allowance after the child is born; and 50% when the child becomes one year old) provided that the child and the parents have been citizens of Tallinn constantly since the birth of the child and until the child becomes one year old, according to the Population Register.
Benefits paid by the social insurance board
Check social insurance board website for more information.
The monthly child benefit for the first and second child is €60 a month, from the time of the birth of the child until they become 16 years old. The allowance is paid to children who continue their studies until they finish school, or until the end of that schoolyear during which they turn 19 years of age. For the third child and onwards, the benefit is €100 a month.
The child allowance for a single parent amounts to €19,18 a month from the birth of the time of the child until they become 16 years old.
The conscript’s child allowance is €300 a month.
Non-working parents (unemployed persons, pupils and students) who did not have an income from work in the previous calendar year will be granted the parental benefit starting from the time of the birth of the child until the child becomes 18 months old. Income tax of 20% will be deducted from the parental benefit.
The parental benefit will be paid within 435 days from the end of the maternity leave (140 days). Income tax of 20% will be deducted from the parental benefit.
Fathers have the right to receive the parental benefit once their child has reached the age of 70 days.